Monday, 30 January 2012

Dying to be thin

ok, just binged.

ate two slices of mom's chocolate cake. glad it stopped there, had some green tea afterwards, everything's fine now. also, i'm watching this "documentary" a Dr. Phil episode called Dying to Be Thin.

Check it out girls. Don't ever let yourself get like that, please.
We aim por perfection, not for illness.


so now it has been like ten minutes and my chest aches, i feel like vomiting but I can't. God, it's like I'm suffocating.
Any tips?


  1. Try not to purge, b/p is a horrible cycle trust me it makes you feel better for a second and then makes you feel 10times worse for doing it.

    Try some Hatha yoga, helps breathing and gets rid of aches and pains...should help with the chest ache. You can find classes on youtube.


  2. I saw that episode, it is so emotionally moving. I was watching it one day when it was on at the gym. I've seen it before and it made me really think about my habits and how they can just evolve and become out of control.

    I still purge though. Vicious cycle.
