Monday 5 March 2012

Angelina Ballerina

So I heard some gossip about Angelina Jolie being to skinny at the oscars. I made a search and this is what I found. Could she look any better? She is absolutly stuning, fantastic, marvelous, EVERYTHING! Maybe her arms are a bit bony, but her legs are pretty muscled! I'd give it all to be like her!!!

 Please help me, to be like this do I have to starve 

I'm eating about 1200 cals each day, is that too much if I ever wnat to look like this? I swear I have no idea how a 40 year old woman can look like this while I, not even 20 can't get my desired body! Oh right, cause she's not a woman.
She's a goddess


  1. She is beautiful! I too love her body, slim and strong.

    To get her body requires hard work; few 'treat' food and lots of vegies, fruits, lean meat and whole grains. Along with lots of exercise (yoga, Pilates, running.

    I know this is a bit hypocritical, but please don't starve yourself. If your feeling hungry EAT something healthy. 1200 is the very limit that your body can live on, as a young active person you need more than this to keep your metabolism up.
    For example, Jillian Michales eats 1600-2000 calories a day and works out 4 days a week (listen to her podcasts)and look how athletic and skinny she is.

  2. Or, because she's got a team full of nutritionists and personal trainers? :) You won't look good if you starve yourself, you'll look ill. xx
