Day 20: 2000 kcals
Everything was going great today: I had breakfast as I planned, had two of those crackers, has a soup for lunch and a cereal bar in the afternoon... but then I decided to go out to dinner with my friends since it is Valentine's day. And we went to McDonalds. You can imagine the DISGRACE it was.
I had an awesome idea! I was taking these pills so I felt kind of bad for a while some time ago. I'll start telling my friends that my doctor made me go on a diet because the pills afected my liver. That way they'll look out for me and won't let me eat any candy, fried or fast food when I'm with them. It will also be another reminder. Pretty smart, han?
That's kinda neat (the pill - ordeal) (o.o) I think that's a good idea! I've put myself off McDs etc. for life by watching documentaries about the food industry xx