Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Detox Day 2 : FAIL

ok this day is going awfull

this morning I was sick so I stayed home. 
I was feeling dizzy and not hungry at all, but my mom was like "maybe your low on sugar" so for breakfast I ate a cup of tea and half a bread with jelly.

everyone went to work and I stayed home super nauseous. after I slept for a while I felt much better! And so I thought that I should eat something not to get back to being dizzy and everything. I went to the kitchen and I found these cookies my mom bought the other day. i looooove them, but i've made an effort not to even come near them. and I naively thought "one won't hurt".

but it did. lunch
following that cookie came an ice cream, a package of cookies, a slice of a "sausage cake" typical in my country, some fries, two bowls of cereals and some nuttela spoons.

yea. I know. DISGUSTING.
you cannot imagine how ashamed I feel writing this, but I have to be true and honest with my blog, you guys and most importantly, with myself.

I felt possessed or something, I dont know what got into me, I just couldn't stop. And the fuller I got, the more I wanted to fill the little space left.
I feel AWFULL. I cannot describe this.

Is there anyway to make this feeling go away? 
Yesterday I was feeling so great, so light... 
now I just feel like a big fat bowl of grease and sugar.


  1. Binging is horrible, as soon as you have one thing you cant stop and go all out. Nothing can take the feeling away. Just try again.

    Best thing is to start now, not tomorrow.


    Here for the support if you need it.


    1. You're right. Once I realized what I was doing I brushed my teeth and started exercising.

      I do need the support, thank you!
      I'm guessing the beggining is the hardest part, but I'll do it| :)

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  3. I know what you mean, sometimes it happens to me too; i start eating some crackers and end up with bread and nutella!
    All you can do is to stop and try to remedy. You did it exercising, and this is just fine! Congrats! :)
    Kiss, Jay :)

    1. Nutella really is an evil temptation -.-

      Thank you for the support :)

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  5. That feeling is horrible. Last night my boyfriend had me go get break-n-bake cookies from the grocery store before I came over and I ate one and then right after that I couldn't stop my hand from reaching down and eating more. It was awful because I felt like I had no control over my body. Hang in there girl :)

    1. thanks for sharing, this gives me support and strength to go on :)
